a fanlisting
A fanlisting is a group of people who like something: i.e. a group of people who like wolves. All a fanlisting is is a list of fans to do with that particular person, item, or object; it joins together people with similar interests.
final fantasy xiii
Final Fantasy is an ever expanding series of games. XIII is the thirteenth game in the mainline series, and is part of Fabula Nova Crystallis, a subseries encompassing Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XV, and Type-0 itself, and the idea is that they use the same mythos and ideas to tell different stories.
What starts out as a mission to rescue Lightning's sister, Serah, goes drastically wrong when the lead heroes become l'Cie, and are thus outcast from Cocoon. They must fulfil their Focus, or they face an eternal future as a monster, a Cie'th. Lightning and her friends decide to go against their Focus of destroying Cocoon, eventually learning the motives of those around them and the corruption of Cocoon itself along the way.
Lumina is late to the party and only appears in the last and final entry of the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Unlike the remainder of humanity, Lumina seems to have simply appeared from the Chaos one day somewhat recently and creates mischief wherever she goes. Though some of her actions are harsh - and, on occasion, questionably cruel - the citizens of the dying Nova Chrysalia have a soft spot for her, since through those complicated actions, Lumina seems to always somehow help the person in question. Being born from Chaos, she also has the ability to teleport and travel to any place on a whim, which she uses to her advantage.
Her favourite target to toy with is Lightning (of course). Lumina appears before Lightning on a regular basis, in order to taunt and to drop the occasional hint, even going so far to drop into her "mind space" so they can have a private conversation without God's watchful eye - or ear.

Spoilers from here! Whilst Lumina's motivations may appear to be all over the place, late into the game it is revealed what and who Lumina is: firstly, an embodiment of Lightning's cast off emotions, those that she perceived made her weak (which she believed to have been taken by Bhunivelze to better serve him, but actually, it was herself when she became Lighting all those centuries ago). Lumina is the fifteen year old Lightning - everything she hates about herself, at least. Secondly, Lumina was created by Lightning as a place to harbour Serah's wandering soul, so effectively, she's a tomb. This explains why she looks so much like Serah at that age.
In the end, Lightning accepts the misplaced part of herself, and saves her own soul, and she and Lumina at last reunite.
I did not expect to love Lumina. I supposed I would at the very least like her, if solely because her voice actress' (in both English as well as Japanese) are two of my favourites, but for her as a character? I wasn't sure. Could another XIII character, one entirely new, swoop in and lay claim to my heart just like the rest?
As it happens, the answer is a resounding yes. She's definitely up there in terms of favourites. What can I say? I really like the Farron siblings, of all varieties.